
The mission is to support Public Alerting by eliminating obstacles. This philosophy also applies to our pricing policy.

In order to support as many partners as possible, we are committed to keep prices as low as possible.

We achieve this by:

  1. making infrastructure cost effective
  2. applying a fair pay-per-use pricing policy for each partner

Alert Provider pricing

Price items for Alert Providers:

Description Price
Partner subscription fee 250 euro, monthly
Alert message operations (*) 0.50 euro per operation
Custom integration Quotation

(*) An 'alert message operation' is an action related to an alert message initiated by an Alert Provider. AlertFeed recognizes 3 alert message operations:

  1. Create a new alert message.
  2. Update an alert message.
  3. Delete an alert message.

Alert Publisher pricing

Price items for Alert Publishers:

Description Price
Partner subscription fee 250 euro, monthly
Alert requests (*) 5 euro per 1 million alert requests
Custom integration Quotation

(*) An 'alert request' is an automated request, initiated by an Alert Publisher, that tells the Alert Publisher which alert message (if any) should be displayed in real time on a certain screen or location.


  • Prices are in Euro, excluding IVA.
  • Subscription terms: Initial period 6 months, extended per month.
  • Fees for custom integration work (if any) are calulated on a per hour basis.

To start partnering with, please signup your organisation or schedule a meeting with us for further discussion.

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